US accuses North Korea of ​​conducting intercontinental ballistic missile tests

Washington - The United States has accused North Korea of ​​secretly testing two intercontinental ballistic missiles.

According to the international news agency, US officials have accused North Korea of ​​testing intercontinental ballistic missiles on February 27 and March 5.

North Korea's arch-rival, South Korea, has also said that the neighboring country's recent missile tests were intercontinental ballistic missiles and could hit the United States.

Note that North Korea first tested the ICBM in 2017. The range of this intercontinental ballistic missile was such that it could target the United States.

However, then-US President Donald Trump had a historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and also with the South Korean president.

As a result of these meetings, North Korea stopped developing nuclear weapons and did not test any ballistic missiles, but resumed missile tests after no progress was made in the negotiations.

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