Elon Musk offered the young man 5,000 dollar to close his Twitter account

Elon Musk offered the young man 5,000 dollar to close his Twitter account

Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and one of the richest men in the world, has offered 5,000  dollar to a 19-year-old man for shutting down his private jet-tracking Twitter boat.

A report claims that Tesla's chief executive sent a message to Jack Sweeney, the creator of an account called lonElonJet, and say that the account is a "security risk".

Jack Sweeney told Protocol that he earns only 20 dollar a month from the account but nevertheless rejected Elon Musk's 5,000 dollar offer and demanded an increase of 50,000 dollar.

Elon Musk did not respond to Sweeney's offer. However, Sweeney's Twitter account has not yet shared any information that could put Elon Musk at risk.

This Twitter boot tweets every time Elon Musk's plane lands or takes off.

Although Elon Musk's plane is on the block list, which removes identification information, the boot tweets the plane's flight or landing information with the help of the plane's altitude and other data.

This method used to track most private jets using complete public data.

According to the report, Jack Sweeney's father works in the airline industry and he himself has been supervising the planes since childhood.

When Jack Sweeney explained how the bot works, Elon Musk commented that "air traffic control is very old."

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